Monday, October 22, 2007

my weekend

I know this blog is very over due. Sorry that I haven't been blogging that often. I will try to do it on a more regular basis...I hope. Well, our first quarter has ended. It's hard to believe that I have been here for almost 3 months now! Tomorrow is parent teacher conferences and I am a little nervous to meet my students parents.

This last weekend was really good. It started out a bit shaky when one of the Chinese students (we have about 30 students come from China to learn english) passed out and started seizing during Bible class. She was rushed to the hospital and it was discovered that she has had this problem before. No one thought to tell us this rather important piece of information when she came here. Her classmates were pretty shaken and she was banged up from when she fell (apparently she had just stood up when it happened), but she is doing ok now.

Friday evening we had a special vespers planned at the KB Bridge. When we got there we were supposed to have fire wood waiting for us, but it wasn't there. So a couple of the other SM's went on a quest for firewood. Apparently they had quite the adventure when they thought that they were going to be attacked by a dog, but I wasn't there so I can't really tell the story well. After we got the fire going we started singing then some kids did a skit about leaving our burdens at the cross. After that Nicole told a story about when she had lost her best friends because of an accident. Then she had each kid write a problem or burden that they were dealing with on a piece of paper and then throw the paper into the fire. This was supposed to symbolize giving all of our worries and burdens to God and trusting that He will take care of them. All the kids seemed to respond well to the vespers. And of course after wards we had smores because you cant have a campfire without smores.

Every sabbath before sabbath school begins, one of the classes presents something before we split for the lesson study. This week was the Freshman class. And since I am one of the Freshman class sponsors I and Scott (the other sponsor) were in charge of organizing it. Only about 12 of our students actually showed up at church, but they did very well. Three of the girls did a skit about spending time with God every day. After the skit, one of the girls explained the skit a little. I found out later that her family practices traditional Palauan religion, so it was a bit surprising that she took such a strong roll in the program. After the skit all the kids got up and sang a song. I was so proud of my kids. Some of the kids stuck around for the lesson study and they seemed to really like the class. I hope to see them in church more regularly.

Anyway, I will try to get some pictures up soon.